Saturday 15 December 2012

Gluten Free Jam Tarts and Mince Pies Recipe

The pastry I use for this recipe is simply a sweet version of my savoury shortcrust pastry recipe - just with a little sugar added. The recipe works for jam tarts or a mince pies.

Recipe: (Makes approx 18)

150g Plain GF Flour blend (I use Doves Farm)
50g Self Raising GF Flour blend
100g margarine
2 tbsp caster sugar
200ml cold water (you might not need to use it all)
1/2 a jar of jam of your choice ( I use my homemade raspberry jam) or mincemeat
1-2 tsp icing sugar (for mince pies)

Measure the flours and sugar into a mixing bowl. Add the margarine and mix with a fork until you have a breadcrumb-like texture.

Next, add the water a drop at a time whilst mixing gently until it binds. Remember that you will not necessarily need to use all of the water.

Once the mixture starts to bind, ditch the fork and use floured hands to combine into a pastry dough - if it feels too wet then add extra flour. Wrap in cling film and set in the fridge for half an hour.

Preheat the oven to 180c. On a floured surface, roll out the pastry to just a bit thicker than a pound coin.

Using a 6 cm cutter cut out circles and place in a small (6cm), greased bun tin. Top each pastry case with a very small teaspoon of jam or mincemeat.

With the remaining pastry, roll out again (add a drop of water if it starts cracking) and cut out small star shapes and top the jam/mincemeat with them. Gently press the edges down. If I am making jam tarts, I like to leave some of them without the tops.

Bake in the oven the preheated oven for approximately 10 - 12 minutes, until golden then allow to cool on a wire rack.

If you are making mince pies, using a small sieve, dust with a little icing sugar. I think it makes the jam tarts to sweet if you dust them with icing sugar.

They should keep for a few days in an airtight container.